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Encourage Wildlife

Simple. Anyone can do it.

Your Efforts Rewarded

Your small actions combined, create Our large movement.

There are so many tiny little ways in which you can help to encourage wildlife in the community and they're all so amazing that you may have to ask yourself, "why haven't I, or why haven't we done this already"?


Giving bees, beetles and brilliant bugs a home is a great way of giving nature a helping hand. Simply bundle a pile of old sticks, bamboo, canes, pinecones, or even leaves together and leave them in a quiet corner, on the floor or even on the wall.

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Wild Mushrooms
rebuild eco systems

Rebuild Ecosystems

Supporting the unseeable

Ancient Life

Without this there is no us.

When designing this section it was imperative that the information provided was precise and accurate and so we have provided direct links to the individuals, elders, and communities that continue to inspire us here at The Hive Effect. Take a look at what we're doing and see how we aim to rebuild the ground up!

FUNGA - It’s a whole new world out there!

At The Hive Effect we already have a long-standing admiration for Paul Stamets, an author and advocate of medicinal fungi. His experiences and his knowledge have truly opened the doors to the world to gain a better understanding of the unknown and misunderstood world of funga. He is the person that started our journey to understanding this world, which is so vast that we simply had to let you find out for yourself.

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Vegetable garden
protect education

Protect Education

Learn - Unlearn - Relearn

Evolutionary Education

Tomorrow, yesterday will have already known your intentions.

The elders and the wise teach the youngsters and the inquisitive. It is how civilisations have got this far. It is how nature evolved so intricately. At The Hive Effect we are reinstating this ancient tradition that society seems to have lost somewhat. Let's get old school cool.

Great Misconceptions.

It is surprising to find that children are not only scared of bees but genuinely frightened, even terrified, yet this is mainly due to the great misconception that the bee will sting them for no reason other than to harm them. This default is totally wrong, and if we (society) are to make any difference at all then we should start by educating our children correctly and factually from an early age. Just like a stagnant pond, a stagnant educational climate doesn’t produce anything worthwhile.

“Attitudes to bees must change and a new generation needs to be educated about the value of bees and the threats to their existence”.


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environmental education
Bees at Work

Applying Environmental Education

Environmental education covers a vast spectrum of subjects and topics. Bees have been educating and inspiring mankind for centuries and will continue to do so long into the future. Here is a small list of ways in which bees have influenced the way in which our education has been implemented and how our bees can improve the ways in which we are educated.

Music to your ears.

A great example of how music can reflect real life and can be used as a stimulus for pupils, can be found in Rimsky Korsakov’s - The Flight of the Bumblebee.

Antique Volumes
Numbered Stones
Science Class


Bees can be a great stimulus for creative writing, poetry and songs. Researching, writing, presenting and debating issues related to bees, their roles and our attitude to bees and other creatures is also essential.


The honeycomb. The beehive structure is a brilliant starting point for investigation into regular and irregular shapes and tessellation. Students can also explore facts and figures in distance, speed, weight, and volume.


Examining the ecosystem, food chains, pollination, and human effects on the environment with an aim to underpin our understanding of the structure of insects.

Aristotle 384 BC 322 BC -

“Concerning the generation of animals akin to them, as hornets and wasps, the facts in all cases are similar to a certain extent, but are devoid of the extraordinary features which characterize bees; this we should expect, for they have nothing divine about them as the bees have”

Compass Pointing North
Green Buildings


Investigating the significance of bees to other cultures and religions, past and present, and consideration into the moral and social significance of losing bees. Investigation into the ways in which bee products are used around the world.

Design and Technology

Hive structures, the construction of insect homes and making bee products provide useful experiences in developing ideas, using tools, and exploring the properties of different materials.

Art and Design

From ancient times to modern marketing, bees and honeycomb motifs have inspired imaginative designs such as printing patterns, elaborate murals, and textile work across the globe.


Classrooms in the real world

Some students prefer the classroom and academic study, whilst others prefer the shortest classroom time possible and a more hands on approach. It’s the way we are built and it’s the way The Hive Effect is built. The introduction of bees in local communities will allow for a fact-based education to take place from an early stage, where children can understand that bees are not hostile creatures, but are in fact very social, intelligent creatures that play a major role in our complete existence.
Honeybees represent a highly organized society, with various bees having very specific roles during their lifetime: e.g., nurses, guards, grocers, housekeepers, construction workers, royal attendants, undertakers, foragers, etc. This real-life education is provided partly via the apiaries and natural hives at The Hive Effect, where everyone is invited to participate. Take a look and see what we’re doing in your community and don’t forget, that if you like anything that we do, a nod or a thumbs up would be very greatly appreciated!

Pack of Fish
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The Youngsters and The Elders

The energetic and inquisitive, and the patient and knowledgeable. How wouldn’t this work?

The youngsters of today (I sound old already), have very little chance for involvement when it comes to nature and the great outdoors, yet these little saplings are raised and educated to be aware and conscious of the decisions that they make regarding it.

The elderly people of our communities can be isolated and cut-off from the world around them, with no purpose, no interaction or communication and we wonder why mental health is out of control, yet these elders are the knowledgeable and wiser mother trees whos’ purpose is to ensure that the information that they have processed in their lifetime is passed on to their saplings.

Generations with purpose, meaningfulness, and understanding thrive together and this genetic, connection, this matriarchal connection if you will, is becoming less every generation passing and re-establishing this link is required now more than ever, before we lose it, before we forget how to be parents or children ourselves for that matter.

- Graham Walker

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A bee’s brain can halt the ageing process!

When older bees are tasked to do a job typically performed by younger bees, their brains not only stop aging, but also have a greater ability to learn new things by producing proteins only seen in the brains of younger bees. The human counterparts of these proteins have been shown to be protective against dementia and cellular stressors!


The Hive Effect will already be stimulating your brain, or it should be, because we haven’t even scratched the surface yet. 

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©2022 by The Hive Effect.

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